Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition

Microsoft SQL Server adalah sebuah sistem manajemen basis data relasional (RDBMS) produk Microsoft. Bahasa kueri utamanya adalah Transact-SQL yang merupakan implementasi dari SQL standar ANSI/ISO yang digunakan oleh Microsoft dan Sybase. Umumnya SQL Server digunakan di dunia bisnis yang memiliki basis data berskala kecil sampai dengan menengah, tetapi kemudian berkembang dengan digunakannya SQL Server pada basis data besar.

Microsoft SQL Server dan Sybase/ASE dapat berkomunikasi lewat jaringan dengan menggunakan protokol TDS (Tabular Data Stream). Selain dari itu, Microsoft SQL Server juga mendukung ODBC (Open Database Connectivity), dan mempunyai driver JDBC untuk bahasa pemrograman Java. Fitur yang lain dari SQL Server ini adalah kemampuannya untuk membuat basis data mirroring dan clustering.

SQL Server is a comprehensive, integrated, end-to-end data solution that empowers your people by providing a more secure, reliable, and productive platform for enterprise data and BI applications. SQL Server 2005 delivers powerful, familiar tools to IT professionals as well as to information workers, reducing the complexity of creating, deploying, managing, and using enterprise data and analytical applications on platforms ranging from mobile devices to enterprise data systems. Through a comprehensive feature set, interoperability with existing systems, and automation of routine tasks, SQL Server 2005 provides a complete data solution for enterprises of all sizes. Figure 1 shows the layout of the SQL Server 2005 data platform.

Extending the strengths of SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005 provides an integrated data management and analysis solution that can help your staff do the following:

Build, deploy, and manage enterprise applications that are more secure, scalable, and reliable.
Maximize IT productivity by reducing the complexity of developing and supporting database applications.
Share data across multiple platforms, applications, and devices to make it easier to connect internal and external systems.
Control costs without sacrificing performance, availability, scalability, or security.

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Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

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